Benefits and Uses of Digital Marketing Assistant Kit of Shopify


Do you ever think of your business without the marketing department actually existing?

Well, I mean to say that how would it be if marketing is done by a robot? 

Yes, that is what Shopify is offering and is taking up the kit of Shopify. We will understand the virtual assistant for digital marketing and how it can be getting beneficial.

Establishing a Business

For the majority of retailers, the fun part of establishing a business is spreading the concept and creating an online store. But this may also be a major disadvantage if the retailer has no skills or resources to effectively market their product to attract customers and generate sales. In actuality, store owners that lack the resources to engage a marketing professional, the time to learn or implement marketing, or the knowledge of online advertising need backup aid. Fortunately, you have a kit to help you overcome all of the aforementioned challenges.

Still not familiar with this tool? Not to worry. Here is your guide.

Things to know about Kit Shopify virtual marketing assistant

Benefits of virtual marketing assistant for Shopify?

You can manage marketing and communication in your online business more swiftly using Kit Shopify, a free tool. Think of this feature as a virtual employee that is only available to Shopify retailers. It may be used to manage your connected apps, send several Thank-you emails to customers, and develop targeted Facebook ad campaigns.

Here are some of the benefits that you must be aware of:

  • The fact that Kit saves you the time and effort required to learn how to use Facebook ads is one of its biggest features. In fact, after installation, you won’t even need to connect to Facebook to use its voluminous advertising interface.
  • While Kit handles the menial tasks of operating your company, such as blasting your ads and sending out your email sales text, it also aids you in remembering that you are conducting a marketing campaign.
  • The kit is totally free!
  • You did read that correctly. On Shopify, the Kit is free! This can only mean one thing: running Facebook advertising on your own will be considerably less expensive than employing someone to handle it for you!
  • Maintaining Attention with Goals-The Goals portion of the Kit will be very helpful to you in identifying what you should prioritise and choosing your next course of action based on the demands of your company at the moment.
  • Kit will assist you in interacting with several apps that enable you to sell jobs on their behalf. As a consequence, you won’t need to learn how to use a variety of assistance-related apps.

Wrapping up

It’s not possible to have only pros and no cons. So, in the end, you must know that it limits the options for targeting them. Also, you cannot target the landing page, instead, the product page is targeted.

With the pros and cons, it is time we should be trying this one to experience a new level of digital marketing. 

Hope the blog is quite helpful and please comment if you want to share anything about it with our readers.


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